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Latino Organization

To increase access to fresh and healthy groceries is accessible for all communities.

Incrementar el acceso a comestibles frescos y saludables es accesible para todas las comunidades. Bondadosa tiene la misión de crear un ecosistema Colorado Food más sostenible. Estamos reinventando cómo las personas acceden a los alimentos.

Contact person:
Phone Number:
Mailing Address:
Executive Director
Phone Number:
Board of Directors
State Senate District(s)
State House District(s)
Congressional District
services provided
Food Support
Annual events

If your organization has a board of directors or an advisory body, are at least 25% of the members Latino or Hispanic?

Is your Organization affiliated with UnidosUS in Washington, DC?

Are more than half of the participants or people served by your organization Latino or Hispanic?

Are at least 25% of the people who lead your organization Latino or Hispanic?

More about the organization:

Bondadosa is on a mission to create a more sustainable Colorado Food ecosystem. We are reimagining how people access food.Founded in 2017, Bondadosa is a social enterprise that harnesses the power of Colorado's community of producers, growers, and small businesses. We serve as the front line in the fight against food injustice by leveraging technology to do the work! We also support emerging startups focused on agriculture and sustainable transportation. As a social enterprise, Bondadosa reinvest the majority of our profits to achieve sustainability and to ensure that our mission to increase access to fresh and healthy groceries is accessible for all communities.Bondadosa allows local food producers to connect directly with consumers via a sustainable logistics platform and a fleet of all-electric vehicles. We handle the hassle of delivery, allowing you to focus on growing your business and your impact.Bondadosa's incubator program serves as a support network for emerging food and agriculture startups. We work with innovators, small business owners, and entrepreneurs from across Colorado to support and grow the local food ecosystem.We believe the future of food lies at the intersection of technology and community. We partner with non-profit organizations around Colorado to drive innovation in creating a food system that serves everyone. We also ensure our company lives up to our values everyday.Bondadosa is expanding to Northern Colorado.